The Benefits of Seeing a Local Orthodontist

White Oak Dental & Orthodontics in Avenel knows you have many options on where to receive your oral healthcare, including your orthodontic services. While we encourage you to go the route that makes you the most comfortable, we want you to have all the facts you need to make an informed decision. This blog will cover the differences between providers and the benefits of seeing an orthodontist in your local community.

Orthodontist vs. Dentist

Unlike general dentists, like our Dr. Aquino, who address a broad range of oral health issues, orthodontists like our Dr. Lai specialize in diagnosing, preventing, and treating dental and facial irregularities. 

After dental school, orthodontists receive additional training on aligning teeth and jaws. The additional schooling and practice equip them with a deeper understanding of orthodontic issues and the most effective methods for correcting them. Though some dentists offer orthodontic services, orthodontists’ specialty focus means they have a leg up on dentists when it comes to fixing alignment concerns!

We don’t say this to discourage you from seeing your general dentist. Besides the fact that it would leave Dr. Aquino very bored if you all up and left him for Dr. Lai, dentists are still essential to your oral health! They help you maintain healthy teeth and gums, which is crucial to your orthodontic success! We just want to stress that Dr. Lai and Dr. Aquino’s careers and the ways they can help you are different. 

In-Person Orthodontist vs. Online Provider

Both in-person and online providers offer orthodontic services, but how they administer treatment is not the same.

Online providers do everything online. They send you at-home impression kits and mail your appliances to your door. While we can’t deny the convenience of mail-order orthodontics, it’s not the most effective or safest way to conduct orthodontic care. You lose out on a lot of things that can make your treatment more enjoyable and your results the best they can be. Let’s check them out.

The Benefits of Seeing a Local Orthodontist

What Are The Benefits of Our In-Person Orthodontist At White Oak Dental & Orthodontics?

Patients can benefit from many advantages if they choose an in-person orthodontist like Dr. Lai. 

Board-Certified Care

The American Board of Orthodontist’s board certification is a voluntary yet significant step beyond basic dental education, involving rigorous examinations and a demonstrated mastery of orthodontic skills and knowledge. After earning their certification, orthodontists must prove to the board that they’re maintaining their high standards of care by renewing every ten years. 

The certification process inspires and motivates orthodontists to stay continuously updated with the latest advancements in orthodontic practices. Seeing an orthodontist with this impressive accomplishment (that only 33% of orthodontists get!) means you’re receiving care from an orthodontist backed by a proven record of exceptional skill, commitment to ongoing education, and a dedication to delivering the best possible outcomes. 

We’re very proud of Dr. Lai’s board certification and ecstatic that we can confidently and truthfully say we have one of the best orthodontists in the Avenel area!

Thorough Examinations With a Speciality-Trained Provider

At White Oak Dental & Orthodontics, your personalized treatment program is guided by Dr. Lai every step of the way. Her thorough, in-person examinations using her trained eye and advanced technology mean your initial orthodontic assessment and following check-up appointments are conducted with exceptional attention to detail and expertise. With little to no chance of Dr. Lai missing important information, you can feel confident your treatment will be safe and effective. Unlike dentists and online providers who likely miss critical information regarding your facial structure or oral health, Dr. Lai can guarantee impeccable alignment results that flatter your unique features.

Multiple Treatment Options For The Whole Family

Each smile is unique, and so are your orthodontic needs. That’s why we offer a variety of treatment options for patients of all ages so that you and your family can transform your smile with methods suited to your individual orthodontic and lifestyle requirements:

  • Traditional Metal Braces: This well-known and reliable option can treat even the most complex cases using brackets and wires.
  • Clear Braces: Essentially, clear braces, also known as ceramic braces, are the same as metal braces. The significant difference is that their brackets are made of tooth-colored ceramic material instead of metal to give a subtle, more aesthetic look. 
  • Clear Aligners: A discreet and modern alternative to braces, Invisalign & Spark clear aligners are 100% custom, virtually invisible, and removable. They are ideal for patients seeking a flexible, less noticeable orthodontic appliance. Both brands offer unique features to further customize your experience.

Dentists and online providers usually only offer one method—clear aligners—and some require their orthodontic patients to have all their adult teeth and/or be at least 18 years old. 

Dr. Lai doesn’t have those restrictions! Clear aligners aren’t always the best technique for optimal results, and you might be surprised to learn orthodontic patients can be as young as seven years old! These various treatment options allow Dr. Lai and her team to treat many issues without sacrificing your experience or results. 

We Treat You Like Family

Another benefit of seeing a local orthodontist versus a corporate doctor, dentist, or online provider is that you’re more than just a case number or part of a quota. You become part of our family, and you will receive the same level of care we would expect and demand for our blood relatives.

How are we always able to meet these standards of excellence? Simple: The lack of corporate overhead allows us to make decisions based on what we think is best for you and not what the people above us say. Think of it this way: Have you ever worked in a restaurant or store that had silly rules imposed by people who haven’t done your job in a very long time or not at all? As a locally owned business, we don’t have that problem!

We can also spend more time with our patients without rushing to meet the next patient. It’s an opportunity for you to ask all your questions and for us to get to know you! 

We Give Back To The Community.

Our team knows we are lucky to be here. Without our community’s continued support and trust, we wouldn’t be able to transform the lives and smiles of people in Avenel and the surrounding areas. 

We love to show our appreciation to you, the people who allow us to live our dream careers every day beyond our office walls. Our practice is proud to help children follow their dreams and have fun by supporting the Woodridge Broncos’ football team and cheer squad. 

The Benefits of Seeing a Local Orthodontist

Get Started With White Oak Dental & Orthodontics Today!

Your journey to a beautiful, healthy smile begins here. Don’t delay; schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards a brighter, more confident smile. 

About Dr. Lai

With a passion for creating beautiful smiles, Dr. Lai brings expertise and a gentle, patient-focused approach to our practice. Her extensive training, including a specialized degree in orthodontics, is complemented by her commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in dental care. She strives to make every visit a positive, reassuring experience. Choosing Dr. Lai means entrusting your smile to a professional who truly cares about your dental health and well-being.